We look for companies that have a clear propensity and capacity to change for the good in the financial and medical areas.
We look for companies that solve a clear problem in society. Products rather than services (unless the service can be productised)
We look for companies that have a considered addressable market and line of sight to that market. We also prefer business that are cash generating but will look at businesses where cash is within sight.
We look for companies that have quality people, management and process. High quality team that needs support on expansion, business strategy, funding, brand and marketing
The potential to assist strategies organically and help accelerate by way of introductions,
experience sharing re threading of networks
You care about designing and reacting to customer interactions in a way that exceeds their expectations.
We invest in ambitious teams trying to solve consumer problems.
Our clients and partners invest where we invest – we commit together.
We take significant stakes in the companies that we work with so we can
add meaningful value.
A world class board and team for a world changing business
If you think your business fits the bill, or you have
another enquiry, get in touch and let’s have a chat.